גרינצוויג ז'וזה

שם: ז'וזה גרינצוויג

שם המוסד: האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים

 דוא"ל: jose.gruenzweig@mail.huji.ac.il

תחומי עניין ומחקר: אסטרטגיית ההישרדות של עצים וצמחים מעוצים אחרים בחורשים ויערות תחת יובש בעקבות שינוי אקלים, ודרכים להפחתת עקת היובש; הקשר בין השורש לנוף בצמחים מעוצים; פחמן, חומרי הזנה ומים במערכות אקולוגיות, עם דגש על המנגנונים הייחודיים של פירוק חומר אורגני באזורים יובשניים.


רשימת פרסומים מדעיים:

Mannerheim N, Blessing CH, Oren I, Grünzweig JM, Bachofen C, Buchmann N. 2020. Carbon allocation to the root system of tropical tree Ceiba pentandra using 13C pulse-labelling in an aeroponic facility. Tree Physiology 40, 350-366. doi 10.1093/treephys/tpz142.

Väänänen PJ, Osem Y, Cohen S, Grünzweig JM. 2020. Differential drought resistance strategies of co-existing woodland species enduring the long rainless Eastern Mediterranean summer. Tree Physiology 40, 305-320. doi 10.1093/treephys/tpz130.

Qubaja R, Grünzweig JM, Rotenberg E, Yakir D. 2020. Evidence for large carbon sink and long residence time in semi-arid forests based on 15-year flux and inventory records. Global Change Biology 26, 1626-1637. doi 10.1111/gcb.14927.

Halbritter AH, De Boeck HJ, Eycott, AE, Reinsch S, Robinson DA, Vicca S, Berauer B, Christiansen CT, Estiarte M, Grünzweig JM, Gya R, Hansen K, Jentsch A, Lee H, Linder S, Marshall J, Peñuelas J, Schmidt IK, Stuart‐Haëntjens E, Wilfahrt P, Vandvik V. 2020. The handbook for standardised field and laboratory measurements in terrestrial climate‐change experiments and observational studies (ClimEx). Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11, 22–37. doi 10.1111/2041-210X.13331

De Boeck HJ, Bloor JM, Aerts R, Bahn M, Beier C, Emmett BA, Estiarte M, Grünzweig JM, Halbritter AH, Holub P, Jentsch A, Klem K, Kreyling J, Kroel-Dulay G, Larsen KS, Milcu A, Roy J, Sigurdsson BD, Smith MD, Sternberg M, Vandvik V, Wohlgemuth T, Nijs I, Knapp AK. 2020. Understanding ecosystems of the future will require more than realistic climate change experiments – A response to Korell et al. Glob Chang Biology 26, e6-e7. doi 10.1111/gcb.14854

Oren I, Mannerheim N, Dumbur R, Fangmeier A, Buchmann N, Grünzweig JM. 2020. Patterns and dynamics of canopy-root coupling in tropical tree saplings vary with light intensity but not with root depth. New Phytologist 225, 727-739. doi 10.1111/nph.16153.
The paper is included in a Virtual issue on “Plant carbon allocation in a changing world – challenges and progress”.

Sagi N, Grünzweig JM, Hawlena D. 2019. Burrowing detritivores regulate nutrient cycling in a desert ecosystem. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286: 20191647. doi 10.1098/rspb.2019.1647. doi 10.1098/rspb.2019.1647

Hilman B, Muhr J, Trumbore SE, Kunert N, Carbone MS, Yuval P, Wright SJ, Moreno G, Pérez-Priego O, Migliavacca M, Carrara A, Grünzweig JM, Osem Y, Weiner T, Angert A. 2019. Comparison of CO2 and O2 fluxes demonstrate retention of respired CO­ in tree stems from a range of tree species. Biogeosciences 16: 177-191.

Preisler Y, Tatarinov F, Grünzweig JM, Bert D, Ogée J, Wingate L, Rotenberg E, Rohatyn S, Herr N, Moshe I, Klein T, Yakir D. 2019. Mortality versus survival in drought-affected Aleppo pine forest depends on the extent of rock cover and soil stoniness. Functional Ecology 33: 901-912.

Gliksman D, Navon Y, Dumbur R, Haenel S, Grünzweig JM. 2018. Higher rates of decomposition in standing vs. surface litter in a Mediterranean ecosystem during the dry and the wet seasons. Plant and Soil 428, 427-439.

Gliksman D, Haenel S, Grünzweig JM. 2018. Biotic and abiotic modifications of leaf litter during dry periods affect litter mass loss and nitrogen loss during wet periods. Functional Ecology 32, 831-839.

Gliksman D, Haenel S, Osem Y, Yakir D, Zangy E, Preisler Y, Grünzweig JM. 2018. Litter decomposition in Mediterranean pine forests is enhanced by reduced canopy cover. Plant and Soil 422, 317-329. doi 10.1111/gcb.13465

Cobb RC, Ruthrof K, Breshears DD, Lloret F, Aakala T, Adams HD, Allen CD, Anderegg WL, Ewers BE, Galiano L, Grünzweig JM, …. 2017. Ecosystem dynamics and management after forest die-off: a global synthesis with conceptual state-and-transition models. Ecosphere 8: e02034.

Dirks I, Dumbur R, Lienin P, Kleyer M, Grünzweig JM. 2017. Size and reproductive traits rather than leaf economic traits explain plant-community composition in species-rich annual vegetation along a gradient of land use intensity. Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 891.

Gliksman D, Rey A, Seligmann R, Dumbur R, Sperling O, Navon Y, Haenel S, De Angelis P, Arnone JA III, Grünzweig JM. 2017. Biotic degradation at night, abiotic degradation at day: positive feedbacks on litter decomposition in drylands. Global Change Biology 23, 1564–1574

Quentin AG, Pinkard EA, Ryan MG, Tissue DT, Baggett LS, Adams HD, Maillard P, Marchand J, Landhausser SM, Lacointe A, Gibon Y, Anderegg WR, Asao S, Atkin OK, Bonhomme M, Claye C, Chow PS, Clement-Vidal A, Davies NW, Dickman LT, Dumbur R, Ellsworth DS, Falk K, Galiano L, Grünzweig JM, …. 2015. Non-structural carbohydrates in woody plants compared among laboratories. Tree Physiology 35: 1146–1165.

Kayler ZE, De Boeck HJ, Fatichi S, Grünzweig JM, Merbold L, Beier C, McDowell NG, Dukes JS. 2015. Experiments to confront the environmental extremes of climate change. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 13, 219-225.

Grünzweig JM, Valentine DW, Chapin FS III. 2015. Successional changes in carbon stocks after logging and deforestation for agriculture in Interior Alaska: Implications for boreal climate feedbacks. Ecosystems 18, 132-145.

Sternberg M, Gabay O, Angel D, Barneah O, Gafny S, Gasith A, Grünzweig JM, Hershkovitz Y, Israel A, Milstein D, Rilov G, Steinberger Y, Zohary T. 2014. Impacts of climate change on biodiversity in Israel – an expert assessment approach. Regional Environmental Change 15, 895–906.

Klein T, Yakir D, Buchmann N, Grünzweig JM. 2014. Towards an advanced assessment of the hydrological vulnerability of forests to climate change-induced drought. New Phytologist 201, 712-716.

Eshel A, Grünzweig JM. 2013. Root-shoot allometry of tropical forest trees determined in large-scale aeroponics. Annals of Botany 112, 291-296.

Grünzweig JM, Dumbur R. 2012. Seed traits, seed-reserve utilization and offspring performance across pre-industrial to future CO2 concentrations in a Mediterranean community. Oikos 121, 579-588.

Gelfand I, Grünzweig JM, Yakir D. 2012. Slowing of nitrogen cycling and increasing nitrogen use efficiency following afforestation of semi-arid shrubland. Oecologia 168, 563-575.

Grünzweig JM. 2011. Potential maternal effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on development and disease severity in a Mediterranean legume. Frontiers in Plant Science 2, 30.

Talmon Y, Sternberg M, Grünzweig JM. 2011. Impact of rainfall manipulations and biotic controls on soil respiration in Mediterranean and desert ecosystems along an aridity gradient. Global Change Biology 17, 1108-1118.

Sprintsin M, Cohen S, Maseyk K, Rotenberg E, Grünzweig JM, Karnieli A, Berliner P, Yakir D. 2011. Long term and seasonal courses of leaf area index in a semi-arid forest plantation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 151, 565-574.

Bahn M, Reichstein M, Davidson EA, Grünzweig JM, Jung M, Carbone MS, Epron D, Misson L, Nouvellon Y, Roupsard O, Savage K, Trumbore SE, Gimeno C, Curiel Yuste J, Tang J, Vargas R and Janssens IA. 2010. Soil respiration at mean annual temperature predicts annual total across vegetation types and biomes. Biogeosciences 7, 2147-2157.

Dirks I, Navon Y, Kanas D, Dumbur R and Grünzweig JM. 2010. Atmospheric water vapor as driver of litter decomposition in Mediterranean shrubland and grassland during rainless seasons. Global Change Biology 16, 2799-2812.

Grünzweig JM, Hemming D, Maseyk K, Lin T, Rotenberg E, Raz-Yaseef N, Falloon PD and Yakir D. 2009. Water limitation to soil CO2 efflux in a pine forest at the semi-arid ‘timberline’. Journal of Geophysical Research 114, G03008.

Maseyk KS, Grünzweig JM, Rotenberg E and Yakir D. 2008. Respiration acclimation contributes to high carbon-use efficiency in a seasonally dry pine forest. Global Change Biology 14, 1553-1567.

Maseyk KS, Lin T, Rotenberg E, Grünzweig JM, Schwartz A and Yakir D. 2008. Physiology-phenology interactions in a productive semi-arid pine forest. New Phytologist 178, 603-616.

Grünzweig JM, Carmel Y, Riov J, Sever N, McCreary DD and Flather CF. 2008. Growth, resource storage, and adaptation to drought in California and eastern Mediterranean oak seedlings. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38, 331-342.

Grünzweig JM, Gelfand I, Fried Y and Yakir D. 2007. Biogeochemical factors contributing to enhanced carbon storage following afforestation of a semi-arid shrubland. Biogeosciences 4, 891-904.

Bar Massada A, Carmel Y, Even Tzur G, Grünzweig JM and Yakir D. 2006. Assessment of temporal changes in above-ground forest tree biomass using aerial photographs and allometric equations. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36, 2585-2594.

Klein T, Hemming D, Lin T, Grünzweig JM,  Maseyk K, Rotenberg E and Yakir D. 2005. Association between tree-ring and needle δ13C and leaf gas exchange in Pinus halepensis under semi-arid conditions. Oecologia 144, 45-54.

Pumpanen J, Kolari P, Ilvesniemi H, Minkkinen K, Vesala T, Niinistö S, Lohila A, Larmola T, Morero M, Pihlatie M, Janssens I, Curiel Yuste J, Grünzweig JM, Reth S, Subke J-A, Savage KE, Kutsch W, Østreng G, Ziegler W, Anthoni P, Lindroth A, Hari P. 2004. Comparison of different chamber techniques for measuring soil CO2 efflux. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 123, 159-176.

Morgan JA, Pataki DE, Körner C, Clark H, Del Grosso SL, Grünzweig JM, Knapp AK, Mosier AR, Newton PCD, Niklaus PA, Nippert JB, Nowak RS, Parton WJ, Polley HW, Shaw MR. 2004. The role of water relations in grassland and desert ecosystem responses to rising atmospheric CO2. Oecologia 140, 11-25.

Grünzweig JM, Sparrow SD, Yakir D and Chapin FS III. 2004. Impact of agricultural land-use change on carbon storage in boreal Alaska. Global Change Biology 10, 452-472.

Reichstein M, Rey A, Freibauer A, Tenhunen J, Valentini R, Banza J, Casals P, Cheng Y, Grünzweig JM, Irvine J, Joffre R, Law BE, Loustau D, Miglietta F, Oechel WC, Ourcival J-M, Pereira JS, Peressotti A, Ponti F, Qi Y, Rambal S, Rayment M, Romanya J, Rossi F, Tedeschi V, Tirone G, Xu M and Yakir D. 2003. Modeling temporal and large-scale spatial variability of soil respiration from soil water availability, temperature and vegetation productivity indices. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 17, 1104.

Grünzweig JM and Körner C. 2003. Differential phosphorus and nitrogen effects drive species and community responses to elevated CO2 in semi-arid grassland. Functional Ecology 17, 766-777.

Grünzweig JM, Lin T, Rotenberg E, Schwartz A and Yakir Y. 2003. Carbon sequestration in arid-land forest. Global Change Biology 9, 791-799.
(Report in Editor’s Choice, Science 300, 1204)

Grünzweig JM, Sparrow SD and Chapin FS III. 2003. Impact of forest conversion to agriculture on carbon and nitrogen mineralization in subarctic Alaska. Biogeochemistry 64, 271-296.

Grünzweig JM and Körner C. 2001. Biodiversity effects of elevated CO2 in species-rich model communities from the semi-arid Negev of Israel. Oikos 95, 112-124.

Grünzweig JM and Körner C. 2001. Growth, water and nitrogen relations in grassland model ecosystems of the semi-arid Negev of Israel exposed to elevated CO2. Oecologia 128, 251-262.

Grünzweig JM and Körner C. 2000. Growth and reproductive responses to elevated CO2 in wild cereals of the northern Negev of Israel. Global Change Biology 6, 631-638.

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