רקפת דוד שורץ
שם המוסד: מכון וולקני
דוא"ל: rakefetd@agri.gov.il
תחומי עניין ומחקר: השבחה גנטית של עצי יער
רשימת פרסומים מדעיים רלוונטית:
- David-Schwartz, R. Indira Paudel, Maayan Mizrachis, Sylvain Delzon, Hervé Cochard, Victor Lukyanov, Eric Badel, Gaelle Capdeville, Galina ShklarT, and Shabtai Cohen. (2016). Indirect evidence for genetic differentiation in vulnerability to embolism in Pinus halepensis. Frontiers in Plant Sciences (Functional Ecology).
- Fox, H.S, Faigenboim, A., Kelly, G., Bourstein, R., Attia, Z., Zhou, J.PD, Moshe, Y. T, Moshelion, M., David-Schwartz, R. (2017). Transcriptome analysis of Pinus halepensis under drought stress and during recovery. Tree Physiology. 38:423-441.
- Nabais, C., Hansen, J., David-Schwartz, R., Klisz, M., López, R. and Rozenberg, P. (2017). The effect of climate on wood density: what provenance trials tell us? Forest Ecology and Management. 408:148-156.
- David-Schwartz, R., Stein, H., Raveh, E., Granot, D., Carmi, N., Klein, T. (2019) Chapter 5. Tree response to drought stress. In: Stress Physiology of Woody Plants. 1st Edition. Edt. Wenhao Dai. CRC Press, Tylor & Francis Group. Pub. location Boca Raton. Pages 296 pages. eBook ISBN 9780429190476.
- Riov J., Fox H., Attias R., Shklar, G., Farkash-Haim, L., Sitbun, R., Moshe, Y., Abu-Rabid, M., Sadot, E., and David-Schwartz, R. (2020). Improved method for vegetative propagation of mature Pinus halepensis and its hybrids by cuttings. Israeli Journal of Plant sciences. 67: 5-15.